1199 Provider Phone Number

You can check an unlimited number of patients in one call.
1199 provider phone number. Find an 1199seiu provider we encourage you to contact member services at 646 473 9200 to verify the status of healthcare practitioners involved in your care. Our interactive voice response system ivr is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. If you are a healthcare worker that is currently at a non union facility visit join 1199 or call 212 603 1700 for more information. Check eligibility and claim status automatically 24 hours a day by calling 888 819 1199 or online with navinet.
Simply call 888 819 1199 and enter your tax id number the member s id number and date of birth. Stay connected email text sign up subscribe to 1199 magazine. Nathan littauer hospital and its providers are contracted directly through the 1199seiu benefit funds. For questions about your benefits you may access my account contact your outreach coordinator call member services at 646 473 9200 or schedule an appointment for an in person visit to.
Members outside new york city will continue to use 1199seiu pharmacy lab and radiology providers. Please remind your doctor or surgeon to refer you only to participating providers including hospital based professionals such as anesthesiologists radiologists assistant surgeons co surgeons and labs. Looking for a different department within the union. Are you an 1199seiu member.
Throughout the covid 19 pandemic your 1199seiu funds have provided you with the service you have come to expect while our staff has been working remotely. Check out our service directory for a complete list of our departments.