City Of Livermore Water Department

Livermore formerly livermores livermore ranch and nottingham is a city in alameda county california in the united states with an estimated 2019 population of 90 189 livermore is the most populous city in the tri valley livermore is located on the eastern edge of california s san francisco bay area the incumbent mayor of livermore is john marchand.
City of livermore water department. Use bank accounts or credit debit cards to make payments. The water resources division is responsible for the operation maintenance and periodic replacement of the city s water recycled water sewer wastewater treatment and storm drain systems. This is a new service for on line utility payments to the city of livermore ky. If the city of livermore has not received your payment you may still have your service disconnected.
The livermore water department located in livermore ca is an utility company that operates the public water system. Livermore residents can contact the water department to start or stop water services for. Make an epayment for city utilities. Water reclamation requirements for.
City of livermore california department of transportation august hagemar n livermore alameda county the cal iforn ia regional water qual ity control board san franc isco bay region hereinafter called the board finds that. The city of livermore. For information on water conservation and rates please visit us online at city of livermore water resources or dial 960 4320. Hoooinafter called the producer submitted a report.
It operates and maintains the livermore water reclamation plant which provides wastewater treatment and disposal for residents and businesses produces recycled water for landscape irrigation and other uses. If you experience any difficulties please contact customer service by clicking here. City of livermore online quickpay enables you to. The city of livermore is the water retailer in the northwest northeast and east portions of the city.
The central and southern parts of the city are served by the california water service or otherwise known as cal water the city produces and distributes recycled water to the western section of the. If you are using this service on or around cutoff day please call city hall 270 278 2113 to verify receipt of online payment. It was established in 1963 as part of the water resources division. The mission of the livermore area recreation and park district is to provide the people of the livermore area with outstanding recreation programs and a system of parks trails recreation areas and facilities that promote enjoyment lifelong learning and healthy active lifestyles.
Please enter your city of livermore account number and service address as they appear on your bill to proceed with. Conveniently make a payment with no enrollment or signup required.