Coffee Cardiovascular

In the past coffee was generally regarded as being detrimental to heart health.
Coffee cardiovascular. For coffee drinkers every 8 ounce cup per day reduced these risks by 7 8 and 5 respectively. Coffee is an excellent source of antioxidants which may help protect cells from damage. A number of meta analyses have reviewed the associations between coffee consumption and cardiovascular disease cvd overall with many concluding that there is no association between coffee drinking and an increased risk of cvd 1 7 some studies have suggested that the association can be illustrated with a u shaped curve with the greatest protection seen at a moderate intake of coffee 3. However more recent and more careful studies have suggested that coffee probably does not increase the risk of heart disease.
Higher consumption of coffee caffeinated and decaf alike was associated with a lower risk of total mortality including deaths attributed to heart disease nervous system diseases and suicide. This review evaluates the evidence on the effect of habitual coffee consumption on cvd incidence and mortality. Coffee was said to increase blood pressure increase cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart attack and cardiac arrhythmias. Coffee was associated with a reduced risk for heart failure stroke and coronary heart disease.
Drinking coffee was once lumped in with smoking heavy drinking and a couch potato lifestyle as a recipe for heart attack. And in some cases may even be beneficial.